Tokio Hotel celebrate their European Tour-Premiere at the Rockhal!

As huge as the excitement of the audience was, the ticket sale for the „Welcome to Humanoid City“-Tour has however been significantly below the expectations. Because: Not a single venue could announce that it’s sold out. Not even the Rockhal. Even though the Tour started yesterday evening, just 4000 Tickets out of 6500 have been sold.
The mood at the Rockhal wasn’t affected by it. When the lights went out at 8.45 p.m and an oversized sphere appeared on stage, the enthusiasm knew no bounds. Defeaning screams filled the Rockhal, when the androgynus Frontman of Tokio Hotel, Bill Kaulitz, began to sing the first words of “Komm” in front of the steam-punk-post-apocalyptic Stage-Scenery dressed in a Sci-Fi-Designer-Outfit from „Dsquared2“ (who designed 5 stage outfits for the new show).
But the impressive Stage-Scenery and the complex light show couldn’t hide the initial weakness, which has been aggravated through a certain inertia among the protagonists of the show. Especially the Frontman, whose voice didn’t get any help from the sound-technic, hardly moved around.
The hits of their former Albums have been celebrated in particular – which was predictable, with the meager sales of their newest Album “Humanoid”. Actually the musicians from Magdeburg – wo unlike the majority of their fans, already left behind their Teenage-Years – show themselves from their grown-up side on the new, darker sounding Album. Yet such experiments have been fatal for some other artists. Maybe that’s the reason Bill, Tom, Gustav and Georg are currently more present in the media because of their scandals and excursions into the world of fashion rather than some headlines about their music.
Gran aire para Tokio Hotel

Actualmente están preparando en Londres antes de su gran mega-espectacular gira en vivo su nuevo álbum "humanoide". Y este tour ofrece mucho.
Por el momento,todo está funcionando bien en los Magdeburg-rockers. El 22 de Febrero comienza la gira europea, dando a los fans un espectáculo mega futurista.
Con el trabajo de construcción del megaescenario del show, los muchachos lo muestran ellos mismos como nunca antes.
Antes de que empiece el gran espectáculo, Bill y Tom no paran de discutir.. Durante la visita, ¿cómo es el cantante Bill cuando esta en el escenario?, Tom: "Bill, cuándo andes por ahí, tal vez finalmente des con las notas correctas!" Sin embargo, Bill contesta: "Si me voy de esa manera, no oigo nada más, idiota!"
La construcción del escenario ha sido alquilada por una empresa de efectos especiales, que, entre otras cosas, han engalanado la famosa película de Hollywood "El Quinto Elemento".El ensayo se realizó en un estudio de cine de Londres, que ya se filmaron partes de "Star Wars".
El video loco con la visión muy personal en el backstage de la vida de Tokio Hotel se puede ver aquí!
translate by:xXxich_brech_ausxXx